Saturday, February 18, 2017

Facebook Photo Gallery on CodeCanyon

They accepted my Facebook Photo Gallery on CodeCanyon! I'm really proud of my work. So far, it only has a couple of sales, but it's been less than a week since it got published, so I still have high hopes for the future.

After they'd rejected my first submission, saying that my documentation was a little lacking, I added a Quick Start Guide along with some screenshots. Apparently, it was enough to get through the second round of reviews. You can read my thread on the Envato forum to get more helpful tips from other people who got their submissions rejected:

So, what does my app do? It lets you transform Facebook albums into a beautiful photo gallery. Just pick a Facebook page (it can be your own profile) and the albums you want to show in the app (you can filter them by name, id or date). Photos will get synchronized with the app and they will continue to stay up to date, displaying a notification whenever new ones appear.

As to the technical details, the app uses some pretty slick stuff like SyncAdapters, Material Design, Immersive ModeFacebook Audience Network ads, Facebook Graph APIRxJava 2, Moshi, Glide, JUnit 4, Mockito. It might be worth buying just for the sake of learning how to use some of those libraries.

Here are some promotional images, if you're lazy enough not to go to CodeCanyon to actually see my app there:

If you feel like giving me feedback on the app or just leaving a comment on CodeCanyon, please do. I'll keep you posted on how the sales go. Keep your fingers crossed :)

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